The Virginia Blend builds upon the original Criss Cross menthol blend, offering smokers a different type of cut, which is bigger in size and flakier. You ll be able to satisfy your smoking dreams and cap it off with a minty fresh taste you ll grow to love. Criss Cross Virginia Blend Menthol 3oz Pipe Tobacco provides a great smoking consistency and even burn, allowing you to really enjoy your smoking experience, regardless if you prefer to stuff it in your pipe or roll your own cigarettes. Criss Cross Virginia Blend Menthol 3oz Pipe Tobacco is made from expertly cured Virginia tobaccos, providing smokers with a pleasant flavor intensity that s balanced and finished with an enjoyable minty flavor that s not overpowering. Once you light up, you ll find that your senses have been transported to a magical place that Criss Cross Virginia Blend Menthol 3oz Pipe Tobacco can take you.