One of America s top selling brands of cigars, Middleton s Black & Mild cigars are not only affordable but delicious and full of flavor. With several varieties to choose from, the Black & Mild Jazz Wood Tip Cigars are made with Golden Virginia and Black Cavendish tobaccos. The premium quality blend of sweet tobacco ensures a smooth experience that offers all of the perks of smoking a pipe without the added bulk of a pipe. Black & Mild Jazz Wood Tip Cigars boast a slow and steady burn with a strong hint of sweetness. The binder and natural tobacco wrapper are filled with Middleton s pipe tobacco and machine rolled yet they mirror the feel of a cigar that has been hand-rolled. Each cigar is fitted with a wooden tip for added comfort and a smooth smoking experience. These popular and economical cigars are available in many different flavors including an unflavored variety called Original. Each order contains 25 cigars.